Kind-hearted cat [] Squirrel stories


When she was satisfied with that  Kind-hearted cat Squirrel stories she had delivered the fruit to everyone, she was very happy

Squirrel stories

The scene was a very lovely cat. There was greenery everywhere. Strange plants and trees were making this place unique. Suddenly a cat with green and blue eyes appeared and climbed the trees like a human and started picking fruits.

At the same time, she was singing in a sarcastic, but low voice. She took the fruit and turned to the right.

After walking a short distance, she entered a mushroom-like house. Another cat appeared there. She was also standing like a human being. The blue and green-eyed cat gave her fruit and asked her to take care of herself.

In this way, she would pick up strange kinds of  Squirrels of fruits, mushrooms, and other things from the trees and pass them on to other cats that talk like humans.


Kind-hearted cat []  Squirrel stories


It was a city of cats stories, so there were only cats everywhere. When she was convinced that it had brought fruit to all, she was overjoyed and again began to sing in her sarcastic and low voice, jumping here and there. Began to jump



All the children's eyes were still on the cat. She was probably going to her house. The children also wanted to see how her house was. And who lives in her house.

Then Abu's voice came: "Come on baby! Now leave the TV, some important news is coming. Where is the TV remote, give it to me."

The children left the room remembering this kind-hearted cat.




The squirrel is a member of the family of carnivorous animals. 

These are the animals that eat their food by chopping. Marmot, prairie dog, chipmunk, and squirrel itself are famous members of this family. Marmot is a large squirrel found in the mountains.

It builds its nest in caves and caves and sleeps through severe cold weather. It is usually red or brown. The prairie dog is found in the grasslands of the continent of North America. It builds tunnels in the ground. Keeps doing

Its body is similar to that of a fat rat. It is usually light red, gray or white.

Chipmunk is found in the forests of North America. It makes long tunnels under the trees.



His body is small and his cheeks are swollen.


It stores food in its cheeks. There are more than 250 species of squirrels in the world. This animal is divided into three groups. Tree-living, ground, and flying squirrels. Tree-living squirrels are the most common in the world.

They spend most of their time on trees. They come to the ground in search of food. Build houses in trees or large branches. Popular species are squirrels, red and fox squirrels.

Ground squirrels make tunnels in the ground. They stand on their hind legs.

Chipmunks, marmots, and prairie dogs are ground squirrels. Flying squirrels have a membrane between their hind legs. It makes long jumps from one tree to another. It maintains balance by flying in the air with the help of its tail. It also has 44 sub-types.

They are found in Siberia as well as in islands from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.

The squirrel has a slender body, a thick tail, and large eyes. Its tail serves as a parachute by jumping from one tree to another. It also uses its tail to clear space and shade its head in the hot sun. picks up.

The hair of the tail of this animal is used to make the best kind of brushes, from which artists make pictures. This animal is one of the animals that use a lot of its tail. Its skin is soft and smooth. In some types, the skin is quite thick.

Its color can vary depending on the species. The squirrel we have is gray in color. Its body length ranges from 13 inches to three feet, including the tail. It has four to five small toes on each foot. It has short front legs and a toe-like bulge on the front legs.

It has soft soles under its feet.

Its teeth are very strong and sharp. The next two teeth are big. It uses its front teeth to cut and break food. The grinding teeth are inside its mouth. It grinds its teeth with wood. Keeps sharpening by rubbing.

Squirrels climb and descend trees very fast. They jump from one tree to another as fast as lightning. No one can hunt squirrels on a tree. Where there are many trees, squirrels are found. Squirrels are found everywhere except in Antarctica and Australia.

They are very cute and then baggy and quickly get used to humans. They run around all the time, only sit when they are eating something. It is also called the rat of the trees.

The squirrel gives birth to two to five young in the spring.

At birth, these babies do not have fur on their bodies and they are also blind. Within two to three weeks they are able to walk. The squirrel's enemies are dogs, cats, eagles, and foxes.

She is always on the lookout for enemies.

The squirrels that live on the earth live in groups. A squirrel is their group leader, who keeps an eye on all around. Are Tree squirrels eat dried fruit and flowers.

Some species of birds also eat eggs and young. Their favorite food is the bark of trees. Ground squirrels eat dried fruits, flowers, tree bark, plant roots, and insects. Flying squirrels also eat this food. Squirrels that live on land and in trees store food in the summer and store it underground or in old tree hollows.

In winter, when food is not available, squirrels eat stored food. Squirrels have poor memory. Therefore, they often forget to save food, but their sense of smell is sharp, which They find their stored food.

Rato Fa is the largest squirrel found in the world. It is found in the forests of India and Nepal. Its body is up to three feet long. It can jump in the air from twenty to forty feet, while the world. The smallest squirrel is the African Bonnie.

It is found in Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Congo. Its body is 70 mm long. A squirrel is also found in villages in Pakistan. It is called Indian Palm. It is as big as a mouse. Its tail is short. And is dense.

The color of its skin is brown on the back, on which three white stripes are visible. The skin of its abdomen is white. The ears are small and have three corners. It makes a quiet sound in times of danger. Squirrels have a weak memory. Therefore, they often forget to save food.